191 research outputs found

    Expressive and Instrumental Voting: The Scylla and Charybdis of Constitutional Political Economy

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    Brennan and Hamlin (2002) note that expressive voting still holds at the constitutional phase. The argument, when taken to its necessary conclusion, proves quite problematic for Constitutional Political Economy. Veil mechanisms following Buchanan induce expressive voting at the constitutional phase, removing the normative benefits ascribed to the hypothetical unanimity principle. If the constitution is authored by a small group and the veil is thereby removed, instrumental considerations come to bear and the authors of the constitution establish themselves as Oligarch.expressive voting, constitutional political economy, Leviathan

    NTFS Permissions Explorer

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    Administrating and monitoring NTFS permissions can be somewhat of a cumbersome and convoluted task. In today’s modern data rich world there has never been a more important time to ensure that your data is secured against unwanted access. This software-based solution has been produced to aid user understand of the current implemented permissions and identify possible problems

    Dynamic real-time hierarchical heuristic search for pathfinding.

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    Movement of Units in Real-Time Strategy (RTS) Games is a non-trivial and challenging task mainly due to three factors which are constraints on CPU and memory usage, dynamicity of the game world, and concurrency. In this paper, we are focusing on finding a novel solution for solving the pathfinding problem in RTS Games for the units which are controlled by the computer. The novel solution combines two AI Planning approaches: Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) and Real-Time Heuristic Search (RHS). In the proposed solution, HTNs are used as a dynamic abstraction of the game map while RHS works as planning engine with interleaving of plan making and action executions. The article provides algorithmic details of the model while the empirical details of the model are obtained by using a real-time strategy game engine called ORTS (Open Real-time Strategy). The implementation of the model and its evaluation methods are in progress however the results of the automatic HTN creation are obtained for a small scale game map

    Stripped of Justification: The Eleventh Circuit\u27s Abolition of the Reasonable Suspicion Requirement for Booking Strip Searches in Prisons

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    Part II of this Note will provide an historical judicial background of the decisions leading up to the Powell v. Barrett decision. This section will first take a brief look at the history of the prison strip search before conducting an in-depth analysis at the Bell v. Wolfish decision, including the facts, rationale, and ambiguities of the decision. Next, this Note will examine the subsequent use of the Bell v. Wolfish decision by the federal courts in the context of strip searches conducted pursuant to facilities\u27 booking policies, focusing on the rise of the “reasonable suspicion” standard. Part III of this Note will look at the decision in Powell itself. This section will start by examining the factual background of the case. It will then delve into a detailed analysis of the rationale that the Eleventh Circuit employed to reach its decision and demonstrate why this rationale is misapplied in light of the Supreme Court\u27s decision in Bell v. Wolfish and the federal court decisions that followed. Finally, this Note will examine reactions from other circuit courts since the Eleventh Circuit decided Powell

    Representing the Process of Machine Tool Calibration in First-order Logic

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    Machine tool calibration requires a wide range of measurement techniques that can be carried out in many different sequences. Planning a machine tool calibration is typically performed by a subject expert with a great understanding of International standards and industrial best-practice guides. However, it is often the case that the planned sequence of measurements is not the optimal. Therefore, in an attempt to improve the process, intelligent computing methods can be designed for plan suggestion. As a starting point, this paper presents a way of converting expert knowledge into first-order logic that can be expressed in the PROLOG language. It then shows how queries can be executed against the logic to construct a knowledge-base of all the different measurements that can be performed during machine tool calibration

    ASCoL: Automated Acquisition of Domain Specific Static Constraints from Plan Traces

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    Domain-independent planning systems require that domain constraints and invariants are specified as part of the input domain model. In AI Planning, the generated plan is correct provided the constraints of the world in which the agent is operating are satisfied. Specifying operator descriptions by hand for planning domain models that also require domain specific constraints is time consuming, error prone and still a challenge for the AI planning community. The LOCM (Cresswell, McCluskey, and West 2013) system carries out automated generation of the dynamic aspects of a planning domain model from a set of example training plans. We enhance the output domain model of the LOCM system to capture static domain constraints from the same set of input training plans as used by LOCM to learn dynamic aspects of the world. In this paper we propose a new framework ASCoL (Automated Static Constraint Learner), to make constraint acquisition more efficient, by observing a set of training plan traces. Most systems that learn constraints automatically do so by analysing the operators of the planning world. Out proposed system will discover static constraints by analysing plan traces for correlations in the data. To do this an algorithm is in the process of development for graph discovery from the collection of ground action instances used in the input plan traces. The proposed algorithm will analyse the complete set of plan traces, based on a predefined set of constraints, and deduces facts from it. We then augment components of the LOCM generated domain with enriched constraints

    An app-enhanced cognitive fitness training program for athletes: The rationale and validation protocol

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    The core dimensions of cognitive fitness, such as attention and cognitive control, are emerging through a transdisciplinary expert consensus on what has been termed the Cognitive Fitness Framework (CF2). These dimensions represent key drivers of cognitive performance under pressure across many occupations, from first responders to sport, performing arts and the military. The constructs forming the building blocks of CF2 come from the RDoC framework, an initiative of the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) aimed at identifying the cognitive processes underlying normal and abnormal behavior. Similar to physical conditioning, cognitive fitness can be improved with deliberate practice. This paper reports the development of a prototype cognitive fitness training program for competitive athletes and the protocol for its evaluation. The program is focused on primary cognitive capacities and subtending skills for adjusting training rhythms and enhancing readiness for competition. The project is driven by the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Sport & Exercise Psychology and includes the development of a Cognitive Gym program for a smartphone app-enhanced implementation. Its key building blocks are training protocols (drills) connected by a periodized training plan. A website with background supporting resources has also been developed as part of the project. National-level training squads will participate in a three-week pilot evaluation protocol, assessing the program’s efficacy and usability through gamified cognitive assessment of participants’ training gains and coaching staff evaluations, respectively. Both near and far transfer of training effects will be examined

    Species-Specific Diversity of a Fixed Motor Pattern: The Electric Organ Discharge of Gymnotus

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    Understanding fixed motor pattern diversity across related species provides a window for exploring the evolution of their underlying neural mechanisms. The electric organ discharges of weakly electric fishes offer several advantages as paradigmatic models for investigating how a neural decision is transformed into a spatiotemporal pattern of action. Here, we compared the far fields, the near fields and the electromotive force patterns generated by three species of the pulse generating New World gymnotiform genus Gymnotus. We found a common pattern in electromotive force, with the far field and near field diversity determined by variations in amplitude, duration, and the degree of synchronization of the different components of the electric organ discharges. While the rostral regions of the three species generate similar profiles of electromotive force and local fields, most of the species-specific differences are generated in the main body and tail regions of the fish. This causes that the waveform of the field is highly site dependant in all the studied species. These findings support a hypothesis of the relative separation of the electrolocation and communication carriers. The presence of early head negative waves in the rostral region, a species-dependent early positive wave at the caudal region, and the different relationship between the late negative peak and the main positive peak suggest three points of lability in the evolution of the electrogenic system: a) the variously timed neuronal inputs to different groups of electrocytes; b) the appearance of both rostrally and caudally innervated electrocytes, and c) changes in the responsiveness of the electrocyte membrane

    The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: Instrument Overview

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    We present an overview of the design of IRIS, an infrared (0.85 - 2.5 micron) integral field spectrograph and imaging camera for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). With extremely low wavefront error (<30 nm) and on-board wavefront sensors, IRIS will take advantage of the high angular resolution of the narrow field infrared adaptive optics system (NFIRAOS) to dissect the sky at the diffraction limit of the 30-meter aperture. With a primary spectral resolution of 4000 and spatial sampling starting at 4 milliarcseconds, the instrument will create an unparalleled ability to explore high redshift galaxies, the Galactic center, star forming regions and virtually any astrophysical object. This paper summarizes the entire design and basic capabilities. Among the design innovations is the combination of lenslet and slicer integral field units, new 4Kx4k detectors, extremely precise atmospheric dispersion correction, infrared wavefront sensors, and a very large vacuum cryogenic system.Comment: 13 pages, SPIE Proceedings 201